Privacy policy


When you make a purchase from our shop, as part of our buying and selling process, we collect the personal information you provide, such as your name, address and e-mail address.

When you browse our shop, we also automatically receive the Internet Protocol (IP) address of your computer, which enables us to obtain more details about the browser and operating system you are using.

E-mail marketing (where applicable): With your permission, we may send you emails about our shop, new products and other updates.


How do you obtain my consent?

When you provide us with your personal information to complete a transaction, verify your credit card, place an order, schedule a delivery or return a purchase, we will assume that you consent to our collection and use of your information for this purpose only.

If we ask you to provide us with your personal information for any other reason, such as marketing purposes, we will ask you directly for your express consent, or give you the opportunity to decline.

How can I withdraw my consent? 

If, after having given us your consent, you change your mind and no longer consent to our contacting you, collecting your information or disclosing it, you may notify us by contacting us at 


We may disclose your personal information if we are required to do so by law or if you breach our Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use.


Our shop is hosted on Prestashop. They provide us with the online e-commerce platform that enables us to sell you our services and products.

Your data is stored in the Prestashop data storage system and databases, and in the general Prestashop application. 

Your data is stored on a secure server protected by a firewall.


If you make your purchase through a direct payment gateway, Prestashop will store your credit card information. This information is encrypted in accordance with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS). Your purchase transaction information is retained as long as necessary to complete your order. Once your order has been finalised, the information relating to the purchase transaction is deleted.

All direct payment gateways are PCI-DSS compliant, managed by the PCI Security Standards Council, a joint effort of companies such as Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover.

The requirements of the PCI-DSS standard ensure the secure processing of credit card data by our shop and its service providers.

For more information, please consult the Shopify Terms of Use.


The collection of the User's personal data is subject to the following processing operations:

5.1. Management of commercial prospecting

PaperMint processes data in order to carry out commercial prospecting operations by SMS or e-mail with users of the site who have placed an order for products similar to those ordered.  

Users may object to this type of canvassing at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the canvassing e-mail or during the telephone call.

Users who have not placed an order on the site must give their prior consent to receive commercial canvassing.

5.2 Management of contact - requests for information

The User may contact PaperMint using the contact form available on the "CONTACT US" page of this website, by post, by telephone or by e-mail using the contact details on the "LEGAL INFORMATION" page.

The purpose of data processing is to enable the companies to respond to the user's request. If all the data requested is not provided or is not provided correctly, the companies will not be able to respond to the request.

The legal basis for the processing is the management of a pre-contractual request by the User and, where applicable, the performance of a contract.

5.3 Management of orders and after-sales service

The Companies use data processing to process orders placed on this site by users, manage the delivery of orders, manage loyalty, manage after-sales service, returns and refunds.   

5.4. Management of complaints and disputes

The companies use data processing to handle user complaints and to store data relating to disputes.

The legal basis for the processing is compliance with a legal obligation.

5.5. Management of payments, fraud and non-payment

The companies process data in order to process payments for orders, prevent fraud and manage outstanding payments.

The legal basis for the processing is the fulfilment of a contractual obligation and the legitimate interest in combating fraud.

5.6. Newsletter management

PaperMint processes personal data for the purpose of sending the newsletter. To this end, the user must communicate his email address on the dedicated insert displayed on the site. By providing their email address, users consent to receiving the newsletter. Users may withdraw their consent when each newsletter is sent by clicking on the unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email or at any time by sending us an email:

The legal basis for processing is obtaining the User's consent.

5.7. Management of "product" and "brand" satisfaction surveys

PaperMint implements data processing for the purpose of conducting satisfaction surveys by telephone or e-mail with users of the site who have placed an order for the products they have ordered.

The legal basis is the legitimate interest of the Companies.  

The user may object to this type of survey at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link provided for this purpose at the bottom of the prospecting e-mail or during the telephone call.

5.8. Management of cookies - data generated by browsing the site

Cookies are small files that are placed on the user's terminal when they visit a Website or mobile application.

They can be of different types:

a proprietary cookie is a tracker deposited at the request of the website that the User is visiting. This type of cookie may be necessary to ensure that the site functions properly and to enable optimal browsing;

a third-party cookie is a cookie placed by a third-party company, i.e. a company other than the one that publishes the website. These are often cookies placed by social networks when a plug-in such as a "like" button appears on the Site. These cookies are used to analyse your activity on the Internet and to display personalised advertising.

The User is informed of this by the display of a banner on the Site's home page which allows him/her to accept, refuse or manage his/her preferences by type of cookie via the dedicated web page.

The following cookies may be stored when you visit the site:

(1) Technical cookies for browsing and audience measurement purposes

These cookies are essential for browsing the site and for using the services offered on the site. They are also used to optimise the ergonomics of the site and the browsing experience on the site.

The following types of cookies are used:

  • cookies that retain the choice expressed by the user concerning the deposit of cookies for marketing purposes (acceptance or refusal),
  • cookies intended to ensure the security of personal data when authenticating to the customer account, and thus prevent identity theft,  
  • cookies used to combat fraud, such as the use of robots,
  • Tracers used to store the user's shopping basket,
  • Tracers for personalising the user interface, such as the choice of language or the use of a service requested by the user,

audience measurement cookies, which make it possible to measure the use and performance of the site and to compile anonymous statistics on visitor numbers, performance and use of the site's services.

cookies used to exclude users from the collection of their personal data if they refuse to accept cookies,

cookies used to retain the user's consent in the event of acceptance of the deposit of cookies.  

Without these cookies, the site cannot function properly, so they cannot be deactivated.

The user's consent is not required for this type of cookie, and the data recovered is anonymous. You can set these cookies via your browser as indicated in paragraph 4 below, but this action will prevent you from accessing certain services or will degrade your user experience.

(2) Cookies for marketing purposes  

These are cookies that enable us to send you targeted advertising in line with your interests and location. They also make it possible to personalise the content of the site according to your browsing habits.  

These cookies may be placed directly by the companies or by their subcontractors, who may also access information stored in the User's terminal solely on behalf of the companies.

 Users must give their consent to the use of their cookies before the cookies are deposited on their terminal. They may withdraw their consent at any time via the Cookie Management page available on the site or by writing to one of the DPOs whose contact details are given in article 2 above. If you refuse to deposit marketing cookies, we will not be able to track your browsing and therefore offer you products and services tailored to your profile. 

(3) Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a tool used to consult and analyse statistics on visits to a website or web application.

Google Analytics makes it possible to analyse visits to the Site in order to evaluate the performance of marketing actions, content, products, etc.

The data generated by the cookies concerning the use of the site by the User (including the connection IP address) may be recovered by Google Inc on servers located in the United States. This data will be used for the purpose of evaluating the use of the website, compiling reports on website activity and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage.

The use of Google Analytics is subject to the User's consent, which may be withdrawn at any time via the Cookie Management page available on the site or by writing to us using the contact details given in article 2 above. 

You can also deactivate Google Analytics using the following module:

(4) Browser configuration

The User is informed that browsers are set by default to accept the installation of cookies. However, the User has the option of disabling the use of cookies by selecting the appropriate browser settings, and also of deleting cookies and browsing data, by going to the Options, Settings or Preferences menu depending on the browser used, as follows:


Users are informed that they have the following rights with regard to their personal data 

(1) Right of access, i.e. the right for the user to request a list of the personal data concerning him/her processed by the Companies;

(2) Right of rectification, i.e. the right to request that inaccurate or incomplete information be corrected; 

(3) Right to erasure ("right to be forgotten"), i.e. the right to request, for legitimate reasons, the deletion of personal data, except where it is necessary for the Companies to retain the data for legal reasons or for the establishment, exercise or defence of legal claims;

(4) The right to withdraw consent, i.e. the right for the user to withdraw consent to the processing of his/her personal data for legitimate reasons;  

(5) Right to object, i.e. the right to object, for legitimate reasons, to the use of personal data;         

(6) Right to data portability, i.e. the possibility of obtaining and re-using personal data for personal purposes and requesting the transfer of such data to another company, where technically possible;

(7) Right to limitation, i.e.: (1) the right for the User to challenge the accuracy of the personal data and request that the companies no longer process the data during the verification period; (2) the limitation of the use of the data in the event that the processing is unlawful; (3) the retention of personal data in order to enable the User to establish, exercise or defend his/her rights before the courts. 

(8) Right to lodge a complaint: the right to lodge a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l'Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) or any competent supervisory authority.

The exercise of all the aforementioned rights is made directly to PaperMint whose contact details are mentioned in Article 2 above.

If the user makes his request electronically, the information will be transmitted by the same means, unless the user requests to receive the information by another means of his choice.

In order to provide the requested information, Papermint will have to verify the identity of the User and, if necessary, ask for proof of identity. If the identity of the User cannot be verified, the User is informed that his/her request may be refused.


By using this site, you represent that you are at least the age of majority in your state or province of residence, and that you have given us your consent to allow any minor in your care to use this website.


We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time, so please check back frequently. Changes and clarifications will take effect immediately upon posting on the Website. If we make any changes to the content of this policy, we will notify you here that it has been updated, so that you are aware of what information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.


If you wish to: access, correct, amend or delete any personal information we have about you, or if you would simply like more information, please contact our Privacy Officer at


We use cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the site, as well as others to perform analytics to optimize your experience.

Your consent can be used at any time.

Read the privacy policy.