Media concerned: Fiber Glass

Control of the decor
The PaperMint teams check your order with the utmost attention before shipping. Nevertheless, in order to avoid any possible mistake, we advise you to check your decor before installation.
The implementation, by you or the installer, engages your responsibility with regard to these products. We do not take back or reimburse a set already installed.
Manufacturing tolerances are 1/1000, i.e. 1 mm per metre. This type of deviation is imperceptible if the strips are correctly centred, so we advise you to check this point before gluing.
If you have any doubt or a quality/SAV request, please send an e-mail to our customer service department: serviceclient@paper-mint.fr

Our decors are high quality products manufactured in France with the greatest care and rigorous quality control, nevertheless a decor printed on paper remains a product to handle with care.
Fiber Glass paper is a mix between fiberglass and non-woven fabric, classified fire retardant Bs1d0.
Water resistant, it is rot-proof but not waterproof.
Fiber Glass is suitable for damp rooms, respecting the technical rules for laying and preparation of the substrate, in particular :
- laying on water-repellent plasterboard or tiles
- sealant to be applied to the substrate beforehand
- laying with non-woven paper glue
- silicone joints
Ecological paper
Printed with Latex inks (water-based), the Fiber Glass paper guarantee a healthy interior without pollutants.
The Fiber Glass paper is washable with a sponge and clear water.
The surface
Wallpaper adhesives adhere only to porous surfaces, preferably prepared with an undercoat or an old paint. Our papers are covering but it is better to put on a wall painted in a plain way without traces or marks.
Surface protection
- Kitchen splashback: we recommend the application of a glass or plexiglass plate behind a hob or even behind a sink, depending on the conditions of use.
- Bathroom, hammam (or any place in which heavy run-off can occur): Fiber Glass paper is not intended to ensure watertightness, a layer of polyester resin can nevertheless be applied as a top coat by a professional.
Apply the non-woven paper glue to the wall only. Excess glue must be cleaned up during the installation and not after drying.
Quick and easy to apply
Edge-to-edge installation, does not shrink during drying (high stability). Nevertheless, avoid installing the wallpaper in temperatures above 25°C.

Here are the tools you will need for the installation of non-woven paper to glue:
- Non-woven wallpaper glue
- Bucket
- Sponge
- Sizing brush
- Plumb line or ruler or level
- Pencil
- Tape measure
- Sponge brush (do not use a spatula)
- Roller
- Cutter, scissors
- Step ladder

Installation of the decor
Preparation and control of the panels before installation
Pre-cut strips ready to install
These panels are cut and joined to the dimensions indicated and in the quantities specified on your order. They are generally classified in order (reference of the panels on the back or at the bottom according to production for non-repetitive patterns or particular compositions) and packaged in a single roll.
Check that you have all the panels, that the joints are correct, that the height and other aspects (paper, color, etc.) are in accordance with your request before starting the installation.
Installation of the wallpaper
Prepare the glue (for non-woven paper) by respecting the dosage and the time of activation of this one, generally indicated on the pot of the manufacturer.
Make sure to center the strips on the wall, do not start with a whole strip if you have to have a small strip at the end of the wall; it is better to distribute the width to be covered between the first and the last strip in order to have a more balanced decoration.
We recommend starting with the second panel for your wall.
Using a plumb line or level, determine the vertical for the first panel, avoiding the wall angle if there is one, as it may not be completely straight.
We recommend marking with a pencil to ensure the verticality of the first panel, but these marks can be seen through the window, so avoid using thick or greasy pencils and check any marks before installation to remove them if necessary.
Using the glue brush, apply the glue to the wall only.
Glue the area of one panel after the other, making the glue slightly overflow on the area of the next panel.
Install your first panel, keeping a 5 cm margin in height to prevent possible differences in wall height.
Adjust the panel, and marouflage with the brush or the flat of your hand: marouflage consists in chasing the air bubbles from the center to the edges and to obtain a panel perfectly stuck to the surface.
Then repeat the different steps with the following panels.
Cut the excess paper with a ruler and a cutter once the glue is dry (about 24 hours).